Standard Toolbar

 Cut Copy Paste Undo Bold italic Underline strikethrough Left Justify Center Justify Right Justify Ordered List Unordered List Outdent Indent SubScript Superscript

Click an icon above to read its instructions. 

The standard toolbar provides many of the features you will regularly require when editing your pages. Before using some of these icons you need to either click within the text (or on an image) or make a selection, this tells the editor what to apply the action to.

Tips: To make a selection click and hold down the left mouse button at the start of the selection then drag the mouse to where you wish to end the selection then release the mouse. After each icon (where applicable) we give the keyboard shortcut. For example, Ctrl-C is the shortcut for Copy and means simultaneously press the C key while holding the Control key.

 Where settings apply to paragraphs please note that a paragraph ends when you press the Return key (assuming that under the Text tab you have left the setting at the default rather than changing to New Line. Note: if when typing you just want a new line then press Shift-Return).



Cut (Ctrl-X) enables you to move the currently selected text/graphics and put them elsewhere in your site (or another document).

Usage: select some text or a graphic. Click Cut. The selected text/graphic will disappear from the screen and is now held in the clipboard. Click where you would like the text/graphic to appear (e.g. further down the page or on a different page). Click Paste.


Copy Copy (Ctrl-C) works similarly to Cut but leaves the original in place (i.e. makes a copy).

Usage: select some text or a graphic. Click Copy. The selected text/graphic will be copied to the clipboard. Click where you would like the text/graphic to appear (e.g. further down the page or on a different page). Click Paste.


Paste Paste (Ctrl-V) works in conjunction with Copy or Cut. Once you have something on the clipboard you can paste it on to your page.

Usage: First Copy or Cut something to the clipboard. To put the clipboard contents on to the page simply click where you wish to insert them and click Paste.


Undo Undo (Ctrl-Z) enables you to undo actions, e.g. you delete some text and then realise it was a mistake. Clicking Undo will restore the text. Note: there are certain actions which cannot be undone.

Usage: Make a mistake, click undo.. no one need ever know.



Bold (Ctrl-B) toggles bold on or off.

ItalicItalic (Ctrl-I) toggles italic on or off.

UnderlineUnderline (Ctrl-U) toggles underlined on or off.


Strikethrough toggles strikethrough on or off.

Usage: When typing click the required icon(s) above. The following text you type will have a those attributes (e.g. bold and underlined) applied. When you have finished with any of the attributes simply reclick the relevant icon to turn it off. Alternative if you already have a paragraph of text and want to apply attributes to a few words  you can select the relevant words and then click the desired icons.


Justify LeftLeft Justify makes the current paragraph become left aligned.

Justify CenterCenter Justify makes the current paragraph become centered.

Right JustifyRight Justify makes the current paragraph become right aligned.

 The above settings apply to paragraphs. A paragraph ends when you press the Return key (assuming that under the Text tab you have left the setting at the default rather than changing to New Line. Note if you just want a new line then press Shift-Return).

Usage: Applies to text and/or images. Click in a paragraph or on an image and then select the relevant icon. If you find that the icon affects more than you had hoped then press the Return key at the point you wanted the style to start and the point where you wanted it to end (this will ensure the bit you are wanting to work with is a paragraph so you can apply different settings to the bit before and after).

Ordered ListOrdered List creates a list with numbers.

Unordered List

Unordered List creates a list with bullet points.

The above applies to paragraphs. A paragraph ends when you press the Return key (assuming that under the Text tab you have left the setting at the default rather than changing to New Line. Note if you just want a new line then press Shift-Return).

Usage: At the start of a new paragraph press the required list icon. You will get your first point. Type the text of your point and press return for the next point. When you have finished your points pressing return with a blank point (or clicking the icon again) will finish the list.



Outdent moves selected paragraph outwards (where possible)


Indent moves selected paragraph inwards


The above applies to paragraphs. A paragraph ends when you press the Return key (assuming that under the Text tab you have left the setting at the default rather than changing to New Line. Note if you just want a new line then press Shift-Return).



Subscript Subscript toggles (on/off) small text below the normal typing line

Superscript Superscript toggles (on/off) small text above the normal typing line